about me: tao.

hi, my name is tao or will. whichever floats your boat the most. i'm a film and photography nerd, you'll be able to find my photos here at some point.

i have a wife who i love and two cats, zig and zag. i also have a dog named jesse.

i have two main cameras at the moment, a canon EOS R with a 40mm lens and a sony dcr-dvd108.

this site was mostly my idea, and i hope itll get a bit more interesting. this is minimalist on purpose, both for ease of editing and to force myself (and us) to actually use it instead of getting into this habit of making it too pretty. this is a public diary, some thoughts that i want to put out there.
typology and self

i'm an ISTJ 6w7 628 sx/sp. i'm lawful neutral on the alignment chart, but i dont view it as something super serious. i don't know much about typology so this is mostly just for anybody who does know about it if you want to hyper analyse me.
tvtropes profile

the tropes i associate with the most are the movie buff, jerk with a heart of gold, and camp straight. you can find the others in my profile, i just think those are prominent enough to link here. i prefer these to typology honestly, a bit more personal.
about me: miles.

hi! my name is miles. or pearl but i prefer miles. i used to have a neocities page all for myself! but now here i am... born again.

i like a lot of things, mostly hockey (go sharks!) and art. i love my partners too, and my friends. big into having friends. shout out to them.

i don't have much else to say, not as much of a yapper as tao is. total lie actually i just have nothing to say here that i cant just make an entry for. hopefully youll find something in this little site that gives you some hope or enjoyment :)